2017 in numbers

Sometimes the best way to reflect is to let the figures speak for themselves. For a small team, we think we’re punching above our weight — from our LaCroix consumption to our code commits. So, for all the number lovers out there, here is how our 2017 stacked up:

1 big office move
2 amazing interns
3 apps now in the iOS App Store
4 new paws on the Oak team
9 years old
25 strong cocktails at the vodka bar above our new studio
31 countries received our first studio newsletter
33 collective hours watching Stranger Things
42 cups of fancy coffee from the Extraction Lab
46 collective flights
62 tea bags used since having a Brit join the team
86 orders placed on Amazon
154 books read collectively
163 times the 👍 emoji was used on Slack
220 GB cleared off our Macs
492 cans of LaCroix delivered to Oak HQ
531 tweets out into the ether
690 holes drilled in our new pegboard wall
1,905 support tickets closed
3,426 code commits
66,215 Slack messages in our Oak channel
3,799,293 items Dropmarked this year

We hope you have a knockout 2018. Let us know what you’re proudest number from 2017 was on Twitter @oakstudios.

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