.net Magazine questions our sanity.
.net Magazine posted an article today about our one week redesign project. Written by Craig Grannell, the article discusses some of the challenges we faced during the week, and also questions our sanity.
.net Magazine: NY studio designs its site in a week
Ask any agency about the website update that’s slipped most from its original deadline and it’ll be its own. Studios are notorious for letting their own sites languish. And in the case of New York-based Oak, there was never a ‘proper’ site in the first place.
“We wanted to make one, but it’s just never been a priority,” says founder Skylar Challand, adding that the company had been getting by with a tiny splash page. “Although it had won us some praise, it was clear a real website needed to happen - we make these things for a living after all, and we wanted a place to share our ideas and work with the world.”
…He adds that working under such time constraints forced efficiency and teamwork, and that the project was fun, although an admission that the team ended up dressing in fake red beards at one point perhaps suggests sanity wasn’t always part of the equation. And while Challand says he “doesn’t think we have a need to do another public countdown any time soon”, he reckons the process was worthwhile: “We’ll definitely take everything we learned and apply this renewed energy to whatever comes next.”
Read the full article over at .net Magazine: